TERM TEST                                                                                                        DATE: 16 MARCH 2016
NATURAL SCIENCE GRADE 8                                                                          TOTAL 50
Define the following terms
A). photosynthesis                                                                          (2)
b). Interaction                                                                                   (2)
C). Consumers                                                                                (2)
D). Respiration                                                                                 (2)
E). herbivores                                                                                  (2)
                                                                    TOTAL 10
Question 2
Read the information box and then answer the questions.
An ecosystem is a complex interaction of living organisms and non-living matter. This diagram explains how an ecosystem is organised. Organisms which belong to a single species and which live in one particular area are called populations. In this example, the sunflower is the organism. Many sunflowers growing in a field is called a population of sunflowers. If you take many different populations, such as the population of sunflowers, the population of ducks and the population of a certain species of tree, all living in one area, you have a community. Many different communities, together with the non-living, or abiotic factors, in one area, is called an ecosystem. In this example, the sunflowers, the ducks, the trees and the grass, together with the river, the clouds, the sun, the slope of the land – these all make up the ecosystem. Many different ecosystems form biomes and all the biomes on the planet make up the biosphere – the part of the planet that sustains life.
Read these statements and decide which are TRUE and which are FALSE. If a statement is FALSE, correct it to make it TRUE
1.      A herd of zebra living on a game farm is a population.                                                    (1)
2.      An ecosystem is made up of living organisms.                                                                         (1)
3.      Ecosystems can differ in size.                                                                                                        (1)
4.      The cats and the dogs living in your suburb form a population.                                    (1)
5.      Temperature is an abiotic factor.                                                                                                 (1)
6.      When we talk about a community, it is incorrect to say that soil and acid rain are part of the community.                                                                                                                   (1)
7.      The oceans are not part of the biosphere.                                                                                (1)
8.      A forest is an example of an ecosystem.                                                                             (1)
9.      A beach and the tidal zone is an ecosystem.                                                                      (1)
10.  Populations interact with other in an ecosystem.                                                            (1)          

                                                                                                           Total 10


1.         This is an example of a food web. How does it differ from a food chain?                (2)
2.         What inter-relationships does this food web show that a food chain does not?       (2)
3.         What would happen if all the snakes were killed in this ecosystem?                        (1)
4.         What happens to this ecosystem when the farmer harvests his crops?                    (1)
5.         Which animals are directly reliant on the mouse for food?                                      (3)
6.         Which animals are indirectly reliant on the mouse for food?                                   (1)
                                                                                                                                     Total 10

The diagram below is a mind-map of the carbon cycle

1.      Start with green plants and write a paragraph describing the role each coloured block or circle plays in the carbon cycle (10)


Study the following diagram showing how we classify organisms on earth and answer the questions that follow

1. Do you see that the organisms in the diagram are divided into five groups ? what do we call these five groups ? (5)

2. Which groups do you think contain organisms which can be classified as micro organisms? (2)

3. Do you think micro organisms are living or non-living? give reasons for your answer. (3)

Total: 10 Marks